Dexie Global Hackathon 25


Dexie Cloud Web Hooks


A Dexie Cloud database can be configured to let a web hook take decision on how to treat new (unknown) users. In Dexie Cloud Manager, in the section Policy for new users (See screenshot below), it is possible to configure a URL to a web hook so that a server-side end-point can be implented to integrate the application according to custom logic or directory lookup.

Screenshot from Dexie Cloud Manager, section 'Policy for new users' where it is possible to configure this web hook


When a user has been authenticated the very first time in this database, this hook will be called (if configured so in the ‘Policy for new users’ section of your database in Dexie Cloud Manager). A POST request will then be sent to the configured URL as described below.

  • HTTP Method: POST
  • POST Body type:

      "userId": string
      "email": string


    POST /webhooks/dexie-cloud HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
    Content-Length: 54


Your endpoint need to respond in the following way:

  • Status Code: 200
  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Reponse Body Type:

      "ok": boolean
      "action": 'reject' | 'eval' | 'prod'
      "userData"?: {
        "displayName"?: string
        "email"?: string
        [customProp: string]: any


    HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
    Content-Type: application/json
    Content-Length: 27

If providing the optional “userData” property, it will be set as “data” property on the user (See users endpoint). The data property is also sent down to the client and accessible via observable on the client. The data property is a javascript object that can contain arbritary JSON compatible data. If data contains a property “displayName”, this will be used as the user’s name. If a custom authentication is used, an email address might not always be known when user is authenticated but can be applied by this hook by returning a data property with the “email” property within.

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