Dexie Global Hackathon 25


An observable that emits data for login dialogs. This observable shall be used in combination with setting to true.

For an example on how to consume this observable and provide a custom GUI, see authentication#customizing-login-gui


export type DXCUserInteraction =
  | DXCGenericUserInteraction
  | DXCEmailPrompt
  | DXCOTPPrompt
  | DXCMessageAlert
  | DXCLogoutConfirmation;

export interface DXCGenericUserInteraction<Type extends string="generic", TFields extends {[name: string]: DXCInputField} = any> {
  type: Type;
  title: string;
  alerts: DXCAlert[];
  fields: TFields;
  submitLabel: string;
  cancelLabel: string | null;
  onSubmit: (params: { [P in keyof TFields]: string} ) => void;
  onCancel: () => void;

/** When the system needs to prompt for an email address for login.
export interface DXCEmailPrompt {
  type: 'email';
  title: string;
  alerts: DXCAlert[];
  fields: {
    email: {
      type: 'text';
      placeholder: string;
  submitLabel: string;
  cancelLabel: string;
  onSubmit: (params: { email: string } | { [paramName: string]: string }) => void;
  onCancel: () => void;

/** When the system needs to prompt for an OTP code.
export interface DXCOTPPrompt {
  type: 'otp';
  title: string;
  alerts: DXCAlert[];
  fields: {
    otp: {
      type: 'text';
      label: string;
  submitLabel: string;
  cancelLabel: string;
  onSubmit: (params: { otp: string } | { [paramName: string]: string }) => void;
  onCancel: () => void;

/** When the system must inform about errors, warnings or information */
export interface DXCMessageAlert {
  type: 'message-alert';
  title: string;
  alerts: DXCAlert[];
  fields: {
    [name: string]: DXCInputField;
  submitLabel: string;
  cancelLabel?: null;
  onSubmit: (params: { [paramName: string]: string }) => void;
  onCancel: () => void;

/** When the system needs confirmation to logout current user when
 * there are unsynced changes that would be lost.
export interface DXCLogoutConfirmation {
  type: 'logout-confirmation';
  title: string;
  alerts: DXCAlert[];
  fields: {
    [name: string]: DXCInputField;
  submitLabel: string;
  cancelLabel: string;
  onSubmit: (params: { [paramName: string]: string }) => void;
  onCancel: () => void;

export type DXCAlert = DXCErrorAlert | DXCWarningAlert | DXCInfoAlert;

export interface DXCErrorAlert {
  type: 'error';
  message: string;
  messageParams: { [paramName: string]: string; };

export interface DXCWarningAlert {
  type: 'warning';
  message: string;
  messageParams: { [paramName: string]: string; };

export interface DXCInfoAlert {
  type: 'info';
  messageCode: 'GENERIC_INFO' | 'OTP_SENT';
  message: string;
  messageParams: { [paramName: string]: string; };

export type DXCInputField = DXCTextField | DXCPasswordField;

export interface DXCTextField {
  type: 'text' | 'email' | 'otp';
  label?: string;
  placeholder?: string;

export interface DXCPasswordField {
  type: 'password';
  label?: string;
  placeholder?: string;


If you need to localize the login dialog, you can ignore the given texts and use custom texts based on:

  • type: (‘otp’, ‘email’, ‘message-alert’ or ‘logout-confirmation’)
  • alerts[n].type: (‘error’, ‘warning’ or ‘info’)
  • alerts[n].messageCode, which can be any of the following values:
    • ‘LOGOUT_CONFIRMATION’ - messageParams will contain {currentUserId, numUnsyncedChanges}
    • ‘OTP_SENT’ - messageParams will contain { email }
  • fields[name].type (‘text’, ‘email’, ‘otp’ or ‘password’)

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