Dexie Global Hackathon 25


since v.1.3.3

class DexieError extends Error {}

Acts as the base class for exceptions that can be returned in rejected Dexie promises.

Inheritance Hierarchy


    // Success
}).catch('ModifyError', function (e) {
    // Failed with ModifyError. Check out e.failures
    console.error ("ModifyError occurred: " + e.failures.length + " failures"); +
}).catch('ConstraintError', function (e) {
    // Failed with ConstraintError
    console.error ("Error: " + e.message);
}).catch(function (e) {
    // Other error such as a string was thrown
    console.error ("Other unknown error caught: " + e);

Sample: switch(

    // Success
}).catch(function (error) {
    switch ( {
        case "UpgradeError": // or case Dexie.errnames.Upgrade: ...
            console.error ("Upgrade error");
        case "ModifyError": // or case Dexie.errnames.Modify: ...
            console.error ("Modify error");
        case ...

            console.error ("error: " + e);


name: stringName of the error
message: stringDetailed message
inner?: anyInner exception instance (if any)
stack?: stringCan be present if the error was thrown. If signaled, there wont be any call stack.

Catching Errors Affect Transaction

If explicitly catching an error, the ongoing transaction will NOT abort. If that is not your desire, for example if you are just catching the error for logging purpose, you should rethrow the error after logging it.

The catch effect also applies when using yield or async / await and a standard try..catch.

Sample of rethrowing error

db.transaction('rw', db.friends, function() {
    db.friends.add({id: 1, name: "Orvar", age: 3}).catch(function (e) {
        console.error ("Could not add Orvar");
        throw e; // Rethrowing so that transaction is indeed aborted.

// Or with yield
db.transaction('rw', db.friends, function*() {
    try {
        yield db.friends.add({id: 1, name: "Orvar", age: 3});
    } catch (e) {
        console.error ("Could not add Orvar");
        throw e; // Rethrowing so that transaction is indeed aborted.

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