table.get(primaryKey): Promise
table.get({keyPath1: value1, keyPath2: value2, ...}): Promise
primaryKey | Primary key of object to get | |
{keyPath1: value1, keyPath2: value2, ...} | Criteria to filter |
Callback Parameters
item: Object | Found item if any, otherwise undefined. |
Return Value
If no item was found, then the returned promise will resolve with undefined
. Otherwise it will resolve with the found value.
Fetches an object with a given primaryKey or where the given criteria ({keyPath1: value1, keyPath2: value2})
are fulfilled and returns the first matching result.
If the operation succeeds, then the returned Promise will resolve with the result of the operation, calling any Promise.then() callback.
If the operation fails, then the returned promise will reject, calling any Promise.catch() callback.
/* This code gets an object by its primary key:
const firstFriend = await db.friends.get(1);
alert ("Friend with id 1: " +;
/** This function queries a friend by indices firstName and lastName. It also resolves some
relational data in the same result.
function getAustinWithVehicles() {
return db.transaction('r', [db.friends, db.vehicles], async () => {
const austin = await db.friends.get({firstName: "Austin", lastName: "Powers"});
// Query by "foreign key" on vehicles:
const austinsVehicles = await db.vehicles.where({owner:}).toArray();
// Include the vehicles in the result:
austin.vehicles = austinsVehicles;
return austin;
See Also
Table of Contents
- API Reference
- Access Control in Dexie Cloud
- Add demo users
- Add public data
- Authentication in Dexie Cloud
- Best Practices
- Building Addons
- Collection
- Collection.and()
- Collection.clone()
- Collection.count()
- Collection.delete()
- Collection.desc()
- Collection.distinct()
- Collection.each()
- Collection.eachKey()
- Collection.eachPrimaryKey()
- Collection.eachUniqueKey()
- Collection.filter()
- Collection.first()
- Collection.keys()
- Collection.last()
- Collection.limit()
- Collection.modify()
- Collection.offset()
- Collection.or()
- Collection.primaryKeys()
- Collection.raw()
- Collection.reverse()
- Collection.sortBy()
- Collection.toArray()
- Collection.uniqueKeys()
- Collection.until()
- Compound Index
- Consistency in Dexie Cloud
- Consistent add() operator
- Consistent remove() operator
- Consistent replacePrefix() operator
- Consuming Dexie as a module
- Custom Emails in Dexie Cloud
- DBCore
- DBCoreAddRequest
- DBCoreCountRequest
- DBCoreCursor
- DBCoreDeleteRangeRequest
- DBCoreDeleteRequest
- DBCoreGetManyRequest
- DBCoreGetRequest
- DBCoreIndex
- DBCoreKeyRange
- DBCoreMutateRequest
- DBCoreMutateResponse
- DBCoreOpenCursorRequest
- DBCorePutRequest
- DBCoreQuery
- DBCoreQueryRequest
- DBCoreQueryResponse
- DBCoreRangeType
- DBCoreSchema
- DBCoreTable
- DBCoreTableSchema
- DBCoreTransaction
- DBCoreTransactionMode
- DBPermissionSet
- Deprecations
- Derived Work
- Design
- Dexie Cloud API
- Dexie Cloud API Limits
- Dexie Cloud Best Practices
- Dexie Cloud CLI
- Dexie Cloud Docs
- Dexie Cloud REST API
- Dexie Cloud Web Hooks
- Dexie Constructor
- Dexie.AbortError
- Dexie.BulkError
- Dexie.ConstraintError
- Dexie.DataCloneError
- Dexie.DataError
- Dexie.DatabaseClosedError
- Dexie.IncompatiblePromiseError
- Dexie.InternalError
- Dexie.InvalidAccessError
- Dexie.InvalidArgumentError
- Dexie.InvalidStateError
- Dexie.InvalidTableError
- Dexie.MissingAPIError
- Dexie.ModifyError
- Dexie.NoSuchDatabaseErrorError
- Dexie.NotFoundError
- Dexie.Observable
- Dexie.Observable.DatabaseChange
- Dexie.OpenFailedError
- Dexie.PrematureCommitError
- Dexie.QuotaExceededError
- Dexie.ReadOnlyError
- Dexie.SchemaError
- Dexie.SubTransactionError
- Dexie.Syncable
- Dexie.Syncable.IDatabaseChange
- Dexie.Syncable.IPersistentContext
- Dexie.Syncable.ISyncProtocol
- Dexie.Syncable.StatusTexts
- Dexie.Syncable.Statuses
- Dexie.Syncable.registerSyncProtocol()
- Dexie.TimeoutError
- Dexie.TransactionInactiveError
- Dexie.UnknownError
- Dexie.UnsupportedError
- Dexie.UpgradeError()
- Dexie.VersionChangeError
- Dexie.VersionError
- Dexie.[table]
- Dexie.addons
- Dexie.async()
- Dexie.backendDB()
- Dexie.close()
- Dexie.currentTransaction
- Dexie.debug
- Dexie.deepClone()
- Dexie.defineClass()
- Dexie.delByKeyPath()
- Dexie.delete()
- Dexie.derive()
- Dexie.exists()
- Dexie.extend()
- Dexie.fakeAutoComplete()
- Dexie.getByKeyPath()
- Dexie.getDatabaseNames()
- Dexie.hasFailed()
- Dexie.ignoreTransaction()
- Dexie.isOpen()
- Dexie.js
- Dexie.on()
- Dexie.on.blocked
- Dexie.on.close
- Dexie.on.error
- Dexie.on.populate
- Dexie.on.populate-(old-version)
- Dexie.on.ready
- Dexie.on.storagemutated
- Dexie.on.versionchange
- Dexie.override()
- Dexie.semVer
- Dexie.setByKeyPath()
- Dexie.shallowClone()
- Dexie.spawn()
- Dexie.table()
- Dexie.tables
- Dexie.transaction()
- Dexie.transaction()-(old-version)
- Dexie.use()
- Dexie.verno
- Dexie.version
- Dexie.version()
- Dexie.waitFor()
- DexieCloudOptions
- DexieError
- Docs Home
- Download
- EntityTable
- Export and Import Database
- Get started with Dexie in Angular
- Get started with Dexie in React
- Get started with Dexie in Svelte
- Get started with Dexie in Vue
- Hello World
- How To Use the StorageManager API
- Inbound
- IndexSpec
- Indexable Type
- IndexedDB on Safari
- Invite
- Member
- Migrating existing DB to Dexie
- MultiEntry Index
- PersistedSyncState
- Privacy Policy
- Promise
- Promise.PSD
- Promise.catch()
- Promise.finally()
- Promise.on.error
- Promise.onuncatched
- Questions and Answers
- Realm
- Releasing Dexie
- Road Map
- Road Map: Dexie 5.0
- Road Map: Dexie Cloud
- Role
- Run Dexie Cloud on Own Servers
- Sharding and Scalability
- Simplify with yield
- Support Ukraine
- SyncState
- Table
- Table Schema
- Table.add()
- Table.bulkAdd()
- Table.bulkDelete()
- Table.bulkGet()
- Table.bulkPut()
- Table.bulkUpdate()
- Table.clear()
- Table.count()
- Table.defineClass()
- Table.delete()
- Table.each()
- Table.filter()
- Table.get()
- Table.hook('creating')
- Table.hook('deleting')
- Table.hook('reading')
- Table.hook('updating')
- Table.limit()
- Table.mapToClass()
- Table.offset()
- Table.orderBy()
- Table.put()
- Table.reverse()
- Table.schema
- Table.toArray()
- Table.toCollection()
- Table.update()
- Table.where()
- The main limitations of IndexedDB
- Transaction
- Transaction.abort()
- Transaction.on.abort
- Transaction.on.complete
- Transaction.on.error
- Transaction.table()
- Tutorial
- Typescript
- Typescript (old)
- Understanding the basics
- UserLogin
- Version
- Version.stores()
- Version.upgrade()
- WhereClause
- WhereClause.above()
- WhereClause.aboveOrEqual()
- WhereClause.anyOf()
- WhereClause.anyOfIgnoreCase()
- WhereClause.below()
- WhereClause.belowOrEqual()
- WhereClause.between()
- WhereClause.equals()
- WhereClause.equalsIgnoreCase()
- WhereClause.inAnyRange()
- WhereClause.noneOf()
- WhereClause.notEqual()
- WhereClause.startsWith()
- WhereClause.startsWithAnyOf()
- WhereClause.startsWithAnyOfIgnoreCase()
- WhereClause.startsWithIgnoreCase()
- db.members
- db.realms
- db.roles
- db.syncable.connect()
- db.syncable.delete()
- db.syncable.disconnect()
- db.syncable.getOptions()
- db.syncable.getStatus()
- db.syncable.list()
- db.syncable.on('statusChanged')
- db.syncable.setFilter()
- dexie-cloud-addon
- dexie-react-hooks
- liveQuery()
- unhandledrejection-event
- useLiveQuery()
- useObservable()
- usePermissions()